The Jewish Views Podcast: May 2021

This month Phil, Kate, Tony & Clive hear from Composer Alexander Bermange on how he has adapted his play 'I Wish My Life Were Like A Musical' for a COVID age.

Michele Leigh of The Oli Leigh Trust, talks about the third anniversary since Oli's passing and why they have launched the campaign #Orange4Oli.

Author Beverly Lester chats about her book 'We Were The Newmans' which is set against a backdrop of apartheid South Africa in the 1970s.

Rachel Grunwald gives us our JW3 roundup, Denise Phillips has a few recipe ideas for Shavuot and our Rabbinic Thought for the Month comes from Rabbi Charley Baginsky of Liberal Judaism.


JW3-TV: You Don't Have to be Jewish


JW3-TV: Adam Wagner and Albie Sachs in Conversation