Welcome to JewishOnline, JW3's new resource for the entire Jewish community bringing together the widest range of Jewish content in one place for all your needs.

This is your free one-stop-shop to access Jewish events, talks, cultural activities, arts performances, Jewish films, family programming and much more - from across the incredible British Jewish community. So many wonderful individuals and organisations are working hard to create content for YOU during these challenging times, so we wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to find something to stimulate your mind, nourish your soul or entertain your family. Think of this as a digital Jewish marketplace, a circumcised streaming service, a chance to Netflix and chulent!


JW3's Online Learning Programme

From Jewish philosophy to Jewish pirates of the Caribbean; from musicals uncovered to witchcraft in the Bible, we're combining world-renowned international speakers with the very best of the UK’s educators - all from the comfort of your living room.  Whether you fancy one-off classes or multiple week courses, we're pretty flexible. So what will it be first?


Great Stuff to Watch Now…