JW3-TV: An Evening to Mark the Departure and Expulsion of Jews from the Arab Countries and Iran

November 30 is the official memorial in Israel to mark the departure and expulsion of more than 850,000 Jews from Arab countries and Iran in the 20th century.

This year JW3 hosted the official commemoration in partnership with Harif, the UK Association of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa, and Sephardi Voices UK to mark the 65th anniversary of the post-1956 Suez Expulsion from Egypt, which produced some 25,000 Jewish refugees.

We were joined by Hen Mazzig, Sephardi activist and Senior Fellow at the Tel Aviv Institute who was in conversation with Viviane Bowell, author of the memoir, To Egypt with Love. We were delighted to be joined by Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community, Rabbi Joseph Dweck, a senior Israeli diplomat and a number of community representatives.


JW3-TV: Kristallnacht Commemoration 2021